Decree by Andrzej Wiesiołowski, commissar of Tarnów county regarding the matter between Izaak Lewkowicz, a rabbi of Tarnów, and Haszkiel Wolfowicz, a land elder of Tarnów

Commissar Andrzej Wiesiołowski has ruled that Haszkiel Wolfowicz is not entitled to a refund of the expenses he made while at the Jarosław assembly from the Jewish community

Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Archive of Sanguszko family
Reference Number: ANKr, ASang. hr tarn. 181, s. 3-9.
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 14.01.1743
Place of origin: Tarnów
Geographical names: Jarosław, Tarnow
Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 337.